Monday, August 31, 2009

Dugong Rescue Cape Tribulation

On August 17 2009, a tourist came into our shop and reported that he had seen a Dugong (Sea Cow, Manatee) stranded at the southern end of Coconut Beach. I went straight there, verified it, and rang The Bat House and National Parks. The bat House sent volunteers immediately to keep it went an prevent sunburn. They later built a shelter over it.
More locals arrived and a ranger, and it was decided not to wait for the tide which was hours off, but to use a tractor to move it to the sea. Rod from Cape Trib Sea kayaking provided the sling, Jason and Trav from Ocean Safari the muscle, and National Parks the tractor.
A lot of effort saw the dugong returned to the sea and swim away. A great result!
No-one seems sure why the dugong stranded. It was young male, perhaps inexperienced, who was inside the fringing reef at a time of rapid tide movement. maybe he will be more careful next time...
Sorry the pics are in the wrong order...they reversed when I loaded them!


Harper said...

Congratualtions and well done
Great to see many of the local operators banding together.

Well done - great pic's

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